Ibiza Entrepreneurs Seek Housing and Workers for 2023 Tourist Season

Ibiza Housing and Workers – Ibiza’s tourist sector is preparing for the 2023 season and, once again, faces concerns about the shortage of personnel. Both the CAEB and Pimeef are aware that the lack of qualified workers will impact the sector and are taking steps to mitigate its effects. The lack of qualified workers affects not only the tourism sector but also the healthcare industry. However, the tourism industry is the primary driver of the island’s economy, making it a significant concern.
Shortage of Qualified Workers
Verónica Juan, the Vice President of Pimeef, stated that their members are “anticipating hiring earlier than in previous years” and that many of them are already searching for “housing for their workers.” According to Juan, “It is a very severe problem,” and it will continue to worsen until “tourist apartments are eliminated.” This is why the Pimeef considers the launch of the Hospitality School necessary to “stop importing talent from outside.”
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Fostering Employee Loyalty
“Fostering employee loyalty is crucial because a company’s most valuable asset is its staff,” says Juan. “We would like to have the same employees each year, but with the accommodation shortage, it’s impossible.” In 2022, the Pimeef requested that its members provide accommodation to their seasonal employees. “They are at ease because they don’t have to search for accommodation,” Juan explains. “Companies are also more at ease when working, and landlords feel more secure renting to reputable firms.” However, this approach “highlights the issue of tourist apartments.”

The Problems with Tourist Apartments
According to the Vice President of Pimeef, “Tourist apartments create very serious problems on this island. We are not only referring to the shortage of workers. Our young people cannot even aspire to become independent. Moreover, the areas with these types of rentals end up turning into ghettos where nothing is open in the winter.”
The rigidity of Rental Regulations
Roselló, the CAEB’s leader, believes that Ibiza’s problem with a lack of rental units cannot be solely attributed to the existence of tourist apartments. “The urban rental regulations are totally inconvenient for providing fluidity to the rental market,” he says. The problem goes beyond tourist rentals. He believes that the rigidity of regulations and the lack of judicial functioning create a lack of security, leading to a reluctance to rent. “This is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive, medium-term solution.”
Ibiza Housing and Workers
Ibiza’s tourism sector is preparing for the 2023 season and is once again struggling with a shortage of qualified workers. However, the lack of housing and strict rental regulations are exacerbating the situation. Both the Pimeef and CAEB are taking steps to address the problem by fostering employee loyalty, launching a Hospitality School, and implementing national policies to encourage training and reduce the island’s dependence on outside professionals.

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